As Dapper is in public beta, from time to time, a bug may occur where our development team will need a bit more information to properly investigate the cause. In these cases, the console view found in your Chrome extension settings will be very helpful!
Essentially, the console captures the backend events of extensions, including when an error occurs. To access the console:
- Type in 'Chrome://extensions' in your search bar
- Enable 'Developer Mode' in the upper-right corner
- Click on 'background.html' under Dapper
- Recreate the error
Once you have the console open, the two tabs of interest here are 'Console' and 'Network'. Any error messages you run into will be captured in these sections as red notifications. To capture the events, reproduce the error in Dapper and when you return to the console – you should see red notifications.
Note: the console must be open before you replicate the error in Dapper.
Example of 'Console' errors:
Example of 'Network' errors:
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