Cryptocurrency exchanges are a great way to easily purchase and transfer different types of cryptocurrencies. If you plan to use your existing exchange wallet to deposit ETH into your Ethereum Dapper Legacy wallet, there are a couple of things to keep in mind.
Dapper is a smart contract wallet
What separates Ethereum Dapper Legacy from other wallets is the fact it is powered by a smart contract. Because of this, some exchanges haven't yet offered full support for wallets like Ethereum Dapper Legacy. If a deposit or withdrawal is attempted from certain exchanges to Ethereum Dapper Legacy, the transaction may fail or (at worst) the transferred funds may get stuck in limbo. We highly encourage you to check your preferred exchange's help documentation to see if they support transactions to smart contract wallets.
The following exchanges support both withdrawals and deposits to smart-contract wallets:
Note: You will first need to create a separate account with the exchange before you're able to use their services.
Transactions to smart contract wallets need a bit more gas
By default, many existing wallets and exchanges have a minimum gas limit of 21,000 per transaction. Any transactions sent to Dapper from other wallets and exchanges require a gas limit of at least 24,000 or else the transaction will fail.
Should you run into any issues using exchanges, please reach out to both the exchange directly and our support team at
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